faq / insurance

Insurance & Payment

Payment for services is due in full at the beginning of each session. We accept cash, credit cards (MasterCard, Visa, American Express, Discover), Health Service Accounts (HSA debit/credit cards) or checks.

Insurance Plans Accepted
HBH Counseling, LLC is dedicated to making sure you can receive the support you deserve which is why our clinicians accept insurance plans whenever possible. Call HBH Counseling at (732) 477-0862 to schedule with a therapist who can accept your insurance. Following is list of insurance plans that HBH Counseling therapists currently accept:

  • Aetna
  • AmeriHeath 
  • Cigna
  • Horizon Blue Cross/Blue Shield (and other Blue Cross/Blue Shield HMO and traditional products) 
  • Magellan Behavioral Health 
  • Magnacare
  • Oasis Healthcare
  • QualCare
  • Tricare 
  • MHN / Mental Health Network 
  • NJ Carpenter’s Health Fund (NJCHF) 
  • United HealthCare / UMR
  • Value Options

You will most likely have to pay a copay that is either a set fee or based on a percentage of a therapist’s contracted rate with your insurance plan. HBH Counseling will contact your insurance plan and let you know your copay amount prior to your first session. Please be prepared to pay your copay at the start of each session. We accept cash, checks, and all major credit cards (including HSA and Flex Fund).

Employee Assistance Plans (EAP)
EAP services are typically free of charge, short term, and solution focused services provided by your employer as an added benefit to your health insurance. You can contact the Human Resources Department or person responsible for your insurance contract at your employer to inquire if an EAP plan is available to you. Following is a list of current EAP plans accepted by HBH Counseling therapists:

  • Aetna EAP
  • Magellen EAP (inlcuding FOH and USPS)
  • MHN / Mental Health Network EAP 

What if my insurance plan isn’t listed or the clinician doesn’t accept my plan yet?
If your insurance company is not listed or your chosen clinician does not accept the plan then your visit would be considered “Out of Network.” Not all plans provide Out of Network benefits so call your insurance provider before making an appointment. If your plan provides Out of Network benefits then your insurance will reimburse you for a portion of the fees paid after you meet your deductible amount. At HBH Counseling we do things a little different when it comes to Out of Network benefits because we want to make sure you get the services you deserve, want, and need. To use your Out of Network benefits, provide all of the necessary Personal Health Information to HBH Counseling so we can call and verify your benefits. If you have not met your deductible then you will be required to pay the full session fee agreed upon with your clinician until your deductible is met. Your clinician will electronically submit your bill to your insurance company for you (no need for you to keep track of session receipts or mail them in yourself). If you have met your deductible then you will only be responsible to pay for your portion of the coinsurance as indicated by your behavioral healthcare plan. Your therapist will submit the bill electronically to your insurance plan and HBH Counseling will be paid directly by your insurance. No need to pay in full up front and wait for reimbursement. However, you will be responsible to paying any amounts not reimbursed by your insurance plan due to misinformation provided by your insurance plan or the faulty arithmetic skills of HBH Counseling staff.

What if I don’t have insurance?
If you currently don’t have insurance we will work with you to try to make therapy affordable and available to you. Speak to your therapist to discuss sliding fee scales and payment plans.

Out of Network and Out of Pocket Session Fees

  • Initial Intake: $125
  • 45 minute session: $90

Group: $60 per meeting
Additional fees apply for assessments, reports, and letters to schools, employers, and/or law enforcement.
Sliding scale fees and payment plans are offered.